Wolfteam: Reboot published by Neosonyx launched on Steam.

If you played WT at Gamingo/Aeria Games, you can transfer your gamedata (rank, weapons, items, ...) to Wolfteam Reboot.

You can find your transfer token after login on the top right corner.

For more informations:
- WT Reboot on Steam
- Transfer Website

- Official Discord

    You found a bug on our website? Please tell us about it! ...

    With the help of Aeria Games we will reward every reported bug with a little ingame present. For that reason we need your login ID.

    • - Transposed, missing letters / incorrect translation. Example: "wofl" instead of "wolf" or "ELRCi M7A2" instead of "ELWRCi M6A2"

    • - Not correct working features. Example: Slideshow doesn't move. Model doesn't show up.

    • - Dead Links. Example: A button or link directs to 404 page.

    • Or anything else you find curious?

    Before submitting a bug you found please check if its already listed below. Known bugs wont get any reward.

    Your Name

    Where did you find the bug?

    Describe the bugWhen is the bug showing up? Which browser are you using? ...

    Your Discord IDIn case we have questions regarding this bug

    Your Login IDAeria Games only